Essay samples

“Reflective Analysis Paper” – An Example Paper

Clinical placements and other practical learning environments often provide unexpected insights into phenomena within the nursing field. These insights usually change how an individual views the particular group in question, or their understanding of the problems affecting such special populations. My current nursing community practicum at the Birchmount Park Collegiate has been one such experience, as it has completely changed... Read more →

Sample Paper: “Drugs and Substance Abuse at the workplace”

Drug abuse among employees in various companies causes imminent problems for businesses and the entire industry. The problems include lost productivity, injuries, absenteeism, fatalities, low employee morale, and theft. The effects in turn increase costs on the health care, legal liabilities, and the amount spent on the workers compensation schemes. The problem of drug and substance abuse in the workplace... Read more →

“Article and Research Analysis” – Our Sample Paper

Electronic Health Record in Small Physician Practices Rao and his colleagues intend to investigate the variation that occurs in the adoption of Electronic health records as regards their functionalities, use patterns, challenges to adoption, apparent benefits, and how they relate to the size of the physician practice. The research design comprised of a mailed survey. This survey was mailed to... Read more →

“Culture of Distraction” – Our Sample Paper

Culture of distraction is the tendency of society to turn naturally focused people into distracted way. Accordingly, Joe Kraus in the article “Is ‘Culture of Distraction’ an Oxymoron?” asserts that, “We are creating and encouraging a culture of distraction where we are increasingly disconnected from the people and events around us…” This coincides with Anderson’s understanding in the context of... Read more →

“Evidence Based Practice and Computers in Research” – Our Sample Paper

Evidence-Based Practice Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the thoughtful and rightful use of the available evidence in tandem with expertise in clinical matters and the value of patients for the purpose of guiding the decision-making process in health care (Steinwachs &Hughes, n.d). The steps that nurses use to establish evidence-based practice include formulation of well-designed questions, identification of the most appropriate... Read more →

Sample Essay: “Conflict Management Plan”

1. Identify the available conflict management strategies and their strengths and weaknesses. Strategy Strengths Weaknesses Competitive strategy The results are realized fast and the employees output increases after the conflict is resolved Its short term leaving a possibility of the conflict surfacing again thus it does not improve the employees relationships. Avoidance strategy The conflict is resolved instantly raising the... Read more →

“Compare and Contrasting Rip Van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow” – An Example Paper

Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow are books written by the same author Washington Irving. The stories both contain supernatural stories of ghosts that are linked to the characters. In the first story, Rip encountered the ghosts and he was away from the town for twenty years then he returned and he narrates the story to the... Read more →

Sample Essay: “Problem and Solving in Finance”

Question 8_1 In the context of stock problems, Beta is a variable whose use helps to determine various aspects. The calculations resulting from its application can derive the prices of various stocks, the value of a company and the value of individual shares. Its main purpose is to highlight the connection of the market premium rate with the rate of... Read more →